resources from Shoreline Conversations
This series is now fully booked - we hope to run more in the near future. Thank you.
Come and explore things that matter. We are hoping to run a series of reflective evenings of quiet time and conversation on the theme of pilgrimage. Within this broad theme we can find negotiation of the challenges of life; purpose and direction in changing circumstances; and time and space to find ourselves and God. We will use the beautiful resource packs produced by ‘Shoreline Conversations’ to inspire our evenings. If you are interested in joining this ongoing conversation of five sessions, please contact us.
Thursday evenings 15 & 22 March; 19 & 26 April; 3 May (Please note that this series starts one week later than advertised in our brochure - and is five sessions, not six, and therefore with a change in cost.)
7.15pm – 8.45pm 9 Abbey Sq
£30 for five sessions and a beautiful resource pack from Shoreline Conversations