Join us for an online gently guided hour of prayer. Each month (or so) we will start with a very brief introduction to a method of prayer, then spend time in prayer, and close gently and simply. Everyone very warmly welcome: come once, now and again, or each time, and no previous experience necessary!
In April we’ll explore Praying with Art. We’ll consider how prayer can be inspired by an image and be ‘a way of seeing’. We’ll be guided in this by Sophie, who is originally from Chester and in this past year of pandemic has been guiding folk on retreats online with the Jesuits in Britain. Having studied Theology, she has a special interest in creativity and Ignatian spirituality. She writes:
“Praying with Art (or Visio Divina) encourages us to ‘see with our hearts’, noticing the hidden depth within artistic creations. It can be a very therapeutic and creative tool, in which we may notice ways that God may be drawing us in. How can art reflect some elements of our own lives, our own struggles or joys, our own experiences? Many paintings and sculptures, in particular, convey a humanness in which we can relate. God can really surprise us when we become curious and willing to see beyond the surface.
“In the session, I will unpack this concept a little more and we will have an opportunity to have a taster of Praying with Art to see what emerges for us. There’ll also be an invitation to bring our thoughts and ideas to the group afterwards to share a little on our experiences of this prayer method – but there are no expectations and it’s fine to just be there and listen!”
Please let us know you’ll be coming so we can send you the Zoom link.
Monday 26 April
7.30pm - 8.30pm
on Zoom
free: donations are warmly welcome and encouraged through our SUPPORT US page - thank you
To book: please go to our Ticketsource online bookings by clicking here. We will then send you the link for the Zoom session closer to the event date. Booking closes ahead of our events so please book early.