with Julia McGuinness
Join us for a morning workshop on a relationship between poetry and spirituality.
Poetry has the capacity to transfigure the ordinary through words. It moves us into a new space of truth alongside mystery and possibility.
Whether we are seeking ‘new words for God’ (Rowan Williams) or simply responding to ‘the impulse to kneel in words’ (Denise Levertov), the language of poetry is an appropriate one for the journey of faith. We find it in our Scriptures and in the writings of people of faith down the ages. Some have faith in poetry itself as a medium with power to sustain the soul.
In this day we will approach the poetry of faith from various angles:
We will look at encountering poetry in Scripture and beyond
We will look at some themes and concerns it engages
We will explore where our own written words might take us in response.
Julia McGuinness is a poet, writer, workshop leader and counsellor. She has her own local practice ‘Creative Connections’ and has published widely, including her own collection of poetry inspired by Chester’s City Walls and the book ‘Writing our Faith’. She leads workshops and retreats across the country – including two previously for Retreat House Chester - and we are delighted that she will be spending another morning with us.
10am – 1pm 9 Abbey Square
£18 inc refreshments - advance booking only